If you follow this Instructable, you will have a fully-functioning WiFi controller for your LED lights, along with an app for your iOS or Android phone or tablet. Actually, you'll get the equivalent of buying two WiFi controllers when you're done with this. This is a complete, start-to-finish solution. There are videos below (steps 5 and 6) of the controller being used with the app. Skip ahead if you want to see it working before you read about building one for yourself.
The WiFi controller you will build from these instructions has a few advantages over commercial light strip controllers:
Each controller can control two separate strips of lights. If, for example, you need to control fours sets of lights, you would need to purchase four WiFi controllers, or you can make two of these.
Everything can be modified for your specific needs
You'll be significantly cooler than your neighbor who bought his controller online, and all of your other neighbors will know it
You created everything, so you know it and you own it
It might have some disadvantages, but none come to mind. (That's a joke, by the way. Not a good one, admittedly). The bottom line is that you'll have a fully-functional light controller with an easy to get and use app.
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